Saturday, September 26, 2009

Test Run by E

E did a test run at home. Result: FAILED *sad face*

A rush of excitement came when she had a feeling wanting to do the ginger bang milk process (E is so sorry that no pictures are attached, coz she didnt thought of posting it here). So, she

went to buy 2 medium size cloves of aged ginger
1 box of full cream Dutchlady milk
1 packet of brown sugar

Found out:
  1. ginger need not be shread by shreader, the skin of it can be remove with light scrapping with a small knife *big bear hug to mom! Coz she thought E*
  2. white substance settle at the bottom of the bowl right after ginger juice was squeezed from the shreaded fiber strips *oooo ahhh eeee oooohhhh*

  1. milk temperature need to be regulated, not extremly high temp (feel comfy when touched by finger) *it actually burnt E fingers a few times before the temp is correcto*
  2. before colliding milk with ginger juice, the juice has to be stir to allow the white substance to mix
  3. use 1 bowl to squeeze the juice, to avoid waste of white substance left in other bowl
Suspection of failure:
  1. white substance is the key to forming curd
  2. too watery (too much milk)
  3. not sweet enough

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Test Run

KWeng and E going to have a test run on Ginger Milk Pudding in food science lab next week, 29th of October 2009, we will eye the wed of Mr. Ginger and Ms Milk. *grin*

All equipments and booking of lab are done! Credit to Ms. Jonice!!! *claps claps claps*

Hopefully it will run smoothly, as myths said,
  • ginger and milk collide is not easy,
  • temperature,
  • amount of ginger juice,
  • way of colliding have to be precise and accurate in order to form curd of ginger and milk.
  • Warning message also include, not to stir the suspension.
KWeng and E plan to test run with:
  1. low fat milk,
  2. full cream milk,
  3. aged ginger,
  4. white sugar,
  5. brown sugar,
  6. stirring of suspension and letting cool by itself and lastly,
  7. different temperature of collision to discover the factors affecting the forming of ginger milk curd.
*finger cross!* if succeeded, free ginger milk curd will be given out. FREE Samples!!! (u may stalk us at lab for free sample)

Rush of Ideas

This is the story of how Mr. Ginger meet Ms. Milk and together they form Baby Curd.

In a blue bright white cloud day, 4 people enjoying lunch at Samosa Cafe. A sudden rush of ideas came, should they use flaxseed to replace egg protein in baking eggless cake (sounds interesting right??) and how is "begger chicken" (cantonese direct translation *wink*) is make, can it be wrap with cloth and pastic film instead of clay or mud?? Because it main purpose is to trap the moisture in the chicken and allow it to breath *imagine that, lookin at the syilling* then cloth and plastic films will be able to allow chicken to breath too. Well, sort of stuck in a not interesting yet theory already half revealed dilemma.

and *chiang chiang chiang* credit to KWeng and Samosa Cafe's mag, where KWeng was flipping through one magazine in Samosa Cafe where Mr. Ginger and Ms. Milk with Baby Curd family photo drop from the sky. *claps claps claps*


(not so fast..)
SO, they decide to use Mr. Macho Ginger bang with Ms. Soft Milk concept because it is a daily common dessert which is known to be tasty, having healing effect and hidden with a scientific concept (which yet to be proven by Food Magic a.k.a US), yet nobody really understand the concept of how ginger collide with milk will form curd. And so we, E and KWeng decide to bust the ??? and myth to reveal the truth to all..! Behold *grin*

Hola Boujour Hello Annyeong Aloha Heisann FOOD

Ola people of curious on food combination, ingredients, mechanism, chemistry, food lovers, howdy???

Now now, this blog will tell you how we bust the myths, or procedures in preparing food. Food combinations that kept you wondering why adding particular ingredients will stimulate your food satisfaction *leg swing, head rotates, hands flapping* reactions (c'mon u knw what i meant).

Enjoy the process of *roller coaster* myth busting steps!